Tuesday, October 22, 2019

It has been a long time since writing in this format.  I have written almost every day via pencil and paper in a journal or calendar.
The path I followed eight years ago has some similarities yet many differences.  I have been finding my own path rather than doing as others follow. I greet the day, give thanks. I feel the breeze and smell the air.  The bird song is a delight, all the various season bird song is a delight.

The past four years a relationship with a good man has developed.  It is still developing.  Emotions in my mind have run high and low. Trust has been the most challenging part.  Trust in vision, remembering to dream of hearts desire. Remembering to ask help from Spirit, my guides, Ancestors, Higher Self, It is my growing belief there is no such thing as normal. My mind, ego mind put me down, felt put down, ran stories and scenarios where I would lose and cry, just as I did s a child going to sleep. I am strong now and make the stories stop, relax, accept what is, know he is not going away, trust.  All along I am told trust, give him a chance, give yourself a chance.

I read past writings and find it odd.

At this time is the issue of my weight and size. I have begun some arm exercises and am doing exercises to slim the fat on my sides and around my bra line.  That is getting smooth. Next to work on my middle roll.

I will save and post this blog which is mostly for me.  I am using the desktop.  I am glad I have not gotten rid of it as I once planned.

So it is.  

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Galesong Music Video One World

January moving along

This past month has been another eye opener. First of all, I more fully realize how much I value having my own space. This past year and three months has been a time of discovery to learn about myself and living with myself. I find I love it!!!
This has also been a time of doors opening I had closed many years ago. They aren't the old doors, rather newly built ones with strong framing and foundation.
This month has been a time of stepping into my full reality, reality for me, my own who-ness, whole-ness, connected-ness in all ways.
I have been more aware of this since Emergence from the Shamanic Priestess Process as Shamanic Creative Priestess RuthAnne, Walks Tall Woman, Grandmother Green Heron Walks Tall Healing Woman. A name I am honored to carry. At Emergence and ordination by StarWolf into the Shamanic Global Ministries' Network, I felt that energy descend upon me and accept it gladly.
So, today, I am grateful for rain, and just for the day, being here, NOW.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. It is a beautiful clear morning. I woke up early and saw beautiful Venus shining brightly in the Eastern sky.

This Solstice energy time has me reflecting on this: " We are reminded that we can feed our strength or dilute it, with our thoughts." From Jamie Sams Earth Medicine.

This has been a very strong intuitive time for me. this is the beginning of creating a place to feature my interest and work with chakras. I am also creating the wire jewelry I make to be chakra compatible.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Solstice, Eclipse and Full Moon

This has been quite a combination. I wonder who else has felt the energies building the past couple weeks, or perhaps more.
I've had a great time playing around with making my new headpiece. Go to my Facebook page under RuthAnne Harder Brown and look at my photos to see what it looks like. It has actually been called a crown.
The ice and snow was ok here. Had nearly 5 ". I didn't mind staying in a few days. I took down time and just listened.