Friday, December 24, 2010

Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. It is a beautiful clear morning. I woke up early and saw beautiful Venus shining brightly in the Eastern sky.

This Solstice energy time has me reflecting on this: " We are reminded that we can feed our strength or dilute it, with our thoughts." From Jamie Sams Earth Medicine.

This has been a very strong intuitive time for me. this is the beginning of creating a place to feature my interest and work with chakras. I am also creating the wire jewelry I make to be chakra compatible.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Solstice, Eclipse and Full Moon

This has been quite a combination. I wonder who else has felt the energies building the past couple weeks, or perhaps more.
I've had a great time playing around with making my new headpiece. Go to my Facebook page under RuthAnne Harder Brown and look at my photos to see what it looks like. It has actually been called a crown.
The ice and snow was ok here. Had nearly 5 ". I didn't mind staying in a few days. I took down time and just listened.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Reckon I am just getting started with the blogging. My friend, Marie, has given me helpful information.
Weather was somewhat cloudy all day here in Western North Carolina. Had a pretty good rain late in the day. There was a beautiful sunset with light clouds all around. The air smells wonderful after rain. I wanted to go out and sit down with my back against my cherry tree but the ground was a bit too wet for that. Perhaps tomorrow.